

The artistic characteristics of ice crystal painting

作(zuò)者:admin 來源:/ 發布時間:2015-03-13

Elegant character
Hard and pure ice crystal painting, condensing the natural temperament of ice and snow crystal, proud and upright character, calm and large momentum, smart and refined elegance...
The beauty of art:
Ice crystal painting flowery and colorful picture, photo effect vivid, oil painting effect gorgeous dream, ink landscape classical charm, abstract art aesthetic mood, realistic techniques clear and clear...
A clever picture scroll:
Ice crystal painting freely, infinite charm: silly cartoon stars, immersive scenery, breathtaking historical cities, fascinating fairy tales, warm and intimate lovers...
An expression of true feelings:
Ice crystal painting integrates the true feelings given by the spirit of "people" : or pure and lovely children, or the memory of the heart, or the happiness of a happy family, or the achievements of a career team, or the colorful business activities.
Exquisite craftsmanship:
Ice crystal painting is a wonderful crystallization of innovative technology applied to the imaging field, the picture or image for full penetration, high-definition, high fidelity and color restoration of art processing, to produce a gorgeous color, fresh transparent, perfect image!

上(shàng)一(yī)條:Ice crystal painting imaging advantages
