

Ice crystal painting in the eyes of the media

作(zuò)者:admin 來源:/ 發布時間:2015-06-06

As a patented product of Guangfa Technology start-up base, ice crystal painting has been launched into the market and has become an emerging technological innovation technology that breaks through the tradition.
Ice crystal painting with its own high-definition smart imaging effect, simple manual operation, convenient machinery and equipment, diversified market space by the industry and outside the praise, and ice crystal painting can take the needs of people in life as the starting point, to meet the needs of different places, different People's Daily decoration life requirements.
As a typical industry of industrial design, ice crystal painting has attracted the attention of all walks of life. CCTV "Economic half hour" twice reported on ice crystal painting;
"Fortune Inside and Outside" is a comprehensive decryption of the birth process of the ice crystal painting of Guangfa Technology startup base;
Famous TV programs such as "Exchange Space" and "Focus on China" have made a comprehensive objective analysis from the production process, market demand, customer recognition and other aspects of ice crystal painting.
Its own product advantages, the major media platforms compete to report so that ice crystal painting is known by more and more users, and the market space is getting larger and larger.
