

Choose the right decorative painting, beautiful romantic comfortable bedroom

作(zuò)者:admin 來源:/ 發布時間:2017-08-09

For the dress up of modern living rooms, most homeowners favor the use of hanging pictures to decorate, especially in the bedroom, many people will hang a decorative painting full of artistic or romantic colors on the bed to enhance the beauty of the bedroom. Especially I watch a lot of Korean dramas, such as "Romantic Full House", "You from the stars", the protagonist will hang a picture of himself in his bedroom, the end is atmospheric elegant ah.

 As an ordinary person, the decorative function of hanging art photos is not as good as hanging decorative paintings, a suitable decorative painting not only has the effect of finishing the finishing touch, but also has the effect of almost turning the decay into magic in the room atmosphere. Of course, this is in the case of the right choice, if not the right choice, basically belongs to a waste of money, hanging in the bedroom skilful painting, it is better not to have.
So, next, let's take a look at the selection and hanging of decorative paintings in the bedroom, what are the noteworthy places, how to choose the most suitable bedroom and the most suitable decorative paintings for their own mood? You should know that the basic selection of decorative paintings, bedroom atmosphere decoration is half the success.
1, hanging in the bedroom of the painting should not be too large, should be based on dexterity.
This can effectively add to the elegant sense of the whole room, but remember to use light and short pictures, avoid choosing heavy and large frame hanging pictures, in addition, it is best to hang pictures on the opposite wall or side, with visual feelings as a reference to choose the height position.
If you feel that the decoration of a single painting is not strong, it is recommended that you choose a combination of two or three paintings, which can greatly fill the blank of the wall and also show the complete artistic sense of the painting to the greatest extent. And this kind of decorative painting placed in a row looks particularly atmospheric, and a series of paintings also makes the owner of the selection of paintings seem more tasteful.

If you really like large paintings, it is suggested that you can put them in the living room, especially on the wall that you just see when you enter the house, which is atmospheric and elegant, so that people can have a good impression of your home when they enter the door. And this large decorative painting can also effectively enhance the visual sense of the living room, so that the living room looks more spacious and atmospheric.
2, Hang the picture is best not to choose black or dark, the pattern is best to choose some simple.
Because the bedroom is a place to sleep, so the layout should be warm and comfortable, if the choice of dark painting, the overall look has a heavy sense of depression, easy to make people depressed, psychological pessimism. Especially modern people work, life, study pressure is relatively large, back to the bedroom just want to relax, if you see such a depressed painting, the psychological pressure must be multiplied.
Therefore, we had better choose bright and generous colors in the choice of decorative paintings, if the state of mind is more cheerful, then choose some calm patterns, and under their optimistic state of mind, calm down, conducive to thinking. If your mood is usually more gloomy, then choose a cute pattern, such as small animals, looking at the innocent and cute small animals, the mood will be immediately clear.

3, in the selection of hanging paintings should also pay attention to avoid the selection of some sunset paintings.
"The sunset is infinitely good, just near dusk", although the artistic conception at dusk is beautiful, it always gives people a sense of coming to an end. The implication of west sink and poor, easy to mobilize others pessimistic mood, is not suitable for use in the bedroom. In particular, there are some uncomfortable things in life or study, and after seeing such paintings, the sense of depression is doubled, which is naturally not suitable for existence in the bedroom.
In addition, it is not appropriate to choose messy and confusing pictures in the bedroom, because this is the place where you sleep, the simpler the better, it is not appropriate to think and expand associations. Because remember, this is a place where you rest, not a gallery where you look at art. So ah, the paintings in the bedroom had better be as simple as possible, simple lines, simple colors, can definitely make you calm.
We can hang some landscape pictures in the room, especially some flowers, can be a good edified sentiment, for example, peony, can bring a peaceful and happy atmosphere to the home, lotus gives people a kind of elegant and pure feeling, orchids give people beautiful reverie, so when tired back home to see these hanging pictures, can give you unlimited relaxation and comfort.

In addition to flower painting landscape painting is also good, and it is best to be the kind of simple lines of decorative painting, a few simple strokes outline is a green and fresh world. Fresh and pleasant to the eye, absolutely let your bedroom blow a fresh breeze in an instant.
After seeing so many experiences, have you chosen a suitable decorative painting for your bedroom? Don't let the wall vacant daze, don't because of the wrong selection of decorative paintings to destroy the atmosphere and distress, look at the successful experience summed up by predecessors, but also quickly choose a suitable decorative painting for yourself, to create a most pleasant and comfortable living atmosphere, let yourself fall in love with the feeling of home.
