

Decorative painting so choose, home more style

作(zuò)者:admin 來源:/ 發布時間:2019-01-09

Decorative paintings generally play the role of embellishing colors and enriching spatial hierarchy in home decoration. Therefore, when choosing decorative paintings, we must pay attention to the coordination of the indoor environment.

The following is a small series from three aspects, for you to analyze how to choose the right decorative painting.

Select by content
In general, when we talk about how to choose decorative paintings. Everyone's first thought is that the style of decorative paintings should be coordinated with the indoor environment in the home, or complement each other is good, if your idea is only to stay at this stage, then the selected decorative paintings are actually flawed.

Consistent style is just the most basic of decorative painting selection of a common sense, below I will bring you the advanced version of decorative painting selection skills, do not quickly take out a small book notes?
1: How to choose to enhance the high-level sense of space?

The above kind of question is actually a little bit official, in short, teach you to choose decorative paintings that others do not understand.
Here is to recommend a wave of abstract painting, abstract painting is generally outlined with simple lines, although we generally can not see the meaning of which you want to express, but in the face of abstract painting there is a feeling of ignorance and severe. That's enough!
2: How to choose to enhance the sense of space atmosphere?

How to improve the atmosphere of the space? The simpler question is how to make this kind of painting give you a sense of substitution, so that you can see these decorative paintings can be associated with this environment. It is recommended that you choose according to the functionality of each room.
The simplest example is the restaurant, we can choose to hang some decorative paintings of food and fruit content on the wall of the restaurant, so that we can see these will be more appetite.
3: How to choose the shape of the frame?

Generally, we can choose according to the shape of the wall where we need to hang decorative paintings, and we can choose a rectangular picture frame for the rectangular wall, and we can also carry out different combinations of various specifications, which will produce a special sense of beauty. For special-shaped walls, we can choose polygonal picture frames.
Buying Advice:
The color and style of the decorative painting need to be matched with the decoration environment of our room, in general, the coordination point is more appropriate, it is not appropriate to have too strong color contrast, of course, it is more taboo to decorate the content of the painting with the theme of the room is completely not matched, independent of the kind.
It is best if the contents of the decorative painting are some items already in the room. For example, the decorative painting content in the restaurant is to choose some fruit and so on.
Select by specification
After determining the content we need to make, we can choose the size of the decorative painting, and here we will mention the role of the decorative painting frame. As a connection between decorative paintings and walls, the picture frame is still more tolerable in the choice of color.

In terms of size selection, the size chosen for each space in the living room is also different. Here is to introduce you, according to the specifications of how we should choose decorative paintings.
1: How to choose the color of the frame

As a transition between the content of the decorative painting and the wall, we should consider the color contrast between the environment and the painting itself when choosing the frame. If the indoor environment (walls, curtains, etc.) is dominated by light colors, then we should choose light colors when choosing the color of the picture frame.
On the contrary, if the ambient color is relatively strong, then you should choose a similar color frame. Following this method to choose the color of the frame will not produce a sense of incongruity.
2: How to choose the frame size
